
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “New Hampshire politicians criticized President Trump after a transcript of a phone call with the president of Mexico published on Thursday [8-3-17] showed he called the state ‘a drug-infested den.’
The remark came during his comments on the drug trade, criminal gangs and how he said they affected the state, according to a transcript of the Jan. 27 call published by The Washington Post.
‘The drug lords in Mexico are knocking the hell out of our country,’ Mr. Trump told President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico.
‘They are sending drugs to Chicago, Los Angeles and to New York,’ Mr. Trump continued. ‘Up in New Hampshire — I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den — is coming from the southern border.’
New Hampshire politicians and residents took issue with at least two elements of Mr. Trump’s statement: Many were offended at the way he described their state. Also, he did not win the state in the general election; he did win the Republican primary there.”

-Liam Stack, “Trump Called New Hampshire a ‘Drug-Infested Den,’ Drawing the Ire of Its Politicians,” The New York Times online, Aug. 3, 2017