
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/VOTER FRAUD: “As the president’s commission on voter integrity formally begins work, it is clear that members don’t see eye to eye on the key question facing the panel: Is there widespread fraud at the ballot box?
Some of President Donald Trump’s appointees say yes, including its vice chairman, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach; others on the commission argue certainly not and want to focus on issues like upgrading aging voting systems and encouraging registration.
Vice President Mike Pence, the group’s chairman, said the 12-person advisory panel was formed to study voting issues without ‘preconceived notions or preordained results,’ as he put it during the commission’s first public meeting earlier this month. Pence barely touched on fraud during his introductory remarks.
The commission intends to issue a report to the president with its recommendations at some point. Let’s meet the seven Republicans and five Democrats serving on the panel and see where they stand on fraud.”

-Dartunorro Clark, “Trump Vote Fraud Commission Could Not Be More Divided,” NBC News, July 31, 2017 07:42am