
JEFF SESSIONS/POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Senate Republicans on Thursday moved to block every path President Donald Trump might try to use to fire and replace Attorney General Jeff Session s, a step they worry would disrupt the independence of the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
Sending the most powerful signal yet that Mr. Trump should back away from such action, the senators said they would try to thwart him through legislation, control of the calendar and the chamber’s parliamentary rules.
And, unlike in the health-care and tax debates, Democratic senators are aligning with them in an effort designed not only to protect Mr. Sessions, but also to shield the work being done by special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who was appointed by the Justice Department to examine Moscow’s actions last year and whether the Trump campaign colluded with it. Russia and the president have denied any collusion.
The chamber voted 98-2 Thursday night on legislation that would impose new sanctions on Russia in response to its election meddling. Mr. Trump hasn’t said whether he would sign the legislation, which includes a provision that would block him from lifting the sanctions unilaterally, which prior presidents have had the power to do.”

-Byron Tau and Aruna Viswanatha, “Senators Move to Block Trump From Ousting Attorney General Jeff Sessions,” The Wall Street Journal online, July 27, 2017 08:34pm