
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/MELANIA: “President Donald Trump and Melania Trump will make a future visit to the first lady’s native Slovenia.
Slovenian President Borut Pahor invited the President and first lady to the country for a visit and the Trumps accepted, Pahor’s spokesperson Sepla Vovk told CNN.
The group met Thursday in Warsaw at the Three Seas Initiative meeting.
‘Slovenian President Borut Pahor invited president Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a visit to Slovenia,’ the spokesperson said in an email to CNN. ‘The Presidents did not set any dates or exact opportunity when the visit would take place.’
Melania Trump was born ‘Melanija Knavs’ in Novo Mesto, Slovenia, and raised in Sevnica, a lush, green town with rolling hills, castles and orchards at the intersection of the country’s Sava and Mirna Rivers. She lived in the capital of Ljubljana as a student before moving to Rome, then Paris, and ultimately, New York.”

-Betsy Klein and Dan Merica, “Trumps accept invitation to first lady’s native Slovenia,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, July 6, 2017 12:50pm