
SUPREME COURT/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump will travel to the Supreme Court on Thursday [6-15-17] to celebrate the appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch, and pay a rare visit to a branch of government he vowed to reshape during the campaign.
Trump’s visit is likely to be short, and Gorsuch’s swearing-in is ceremonial, but the air in the rarefied chamber might feel fraught with some tension.
Candidate Trump was harshly critical of some justices, and since the election, he’s launched broad attacks on the judiciary as a whole.
His visit also comes at a delicate time: the court is currently considering the fate of the travel ban, arguably the President’s most controversial initiative to date. On top of all of that: sources say that Justice Anthony Kennedy is seriously thinking about retirement, although no one seems to know if it will occur as early as this term.”

-Ariane de Vogue, “Trump’s awkward trip to the Supreme Court,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 15, 2017 10:37am