
TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Voters have a clear message for President Donald Trump: Stop tweeting.
A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows the vast majority of voters, 69 percent, say Trump uses Twitter too much. Fifty-nine percent say the president’s use of Twitter is a bad thing, and even a majority of voters say Trump’s tweets hurt U.S. national security.
Even Trump’s own base wants him to curb his Twitter use. A 53 percent majority of GOP voters say Trump tweets too much — though slightly more Republicans say Trump’s use of Twitter overall is a good thing (41 percent) than a bad thing (37 percent).
Trump’s Twitter posts have created fresh controversies this week. Attorneys have suggested the president may be undermining the legal case for his stalled travel ban, and White House staffers have tried to downplay the significance of his statements on the social media platform.”

-Steven Shepard, “Poll: Voters want Trump to get off Twitter,” Politico, June 7, 2017 06:16am