
ETHICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A former White House ethics czar and ambassador to the Czech Republic during the Obama said Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony is ‘the equivalent of the Nixon tapes.’
‘I think it’s remarkable,’ Norman Eisen told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin on CNN’s ‘Newsroom.’ ‘Clearly Director Comey is looking ahead to the day beyond the hearing tomorrow when he may have to testify about this. Whether it’s in an obstruction proceeding, or an impeachment proceeding, or something else.’
Eisen compared the news revealed in Comey’s testimony to former President Richard Nixon’s secret recording of his phone calls in meetings at the White House when he was in office, which eventually played a role in his resignation.
‘This moves us into the same realm as Nixon’s obstruction, maybe worse,’ he continued. ‘This is the equivalent of the Nixon tapes. We are headed into very, very choppy waters.’ “

-Daniella Diaz, “Ex-WH ethics czar: ‘This is the equivalent of the Nixon tapes’,” CNN Politics, CNN.com, June 7, 2017 03:43pm