
AFRICAN AMERICANS/BUDGET/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “When President Trump signed a $1.1 trillion spending bill on Friday [5-5-17], he zeroed in on a tiny sliver of it, suggesting that he might disregard $20 million in funding for loan subsidies and other aid to historically black universities.
Two nights later, after a storm of criticism, the White House walked back the threat in a statement that declared the president’s ‘unwavering support’ for such schools.
But the two days in between left some African-American educators feeling used, many black politicians enraged and some demanding that Mr. Trump back his ‘unwavering support’ with a show of budgetary support. It also, once again, revealed a White House where one team does not necessarily know what another team is up to.”

-Yamiche Alcindor and Charlie Savage, “Trump Walks Back Threat to Defund Black Colleges,” The New York Times online, May 8, 2017