
LEGAL/SUPPORTERS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “A pro-Donald Trump biker gang’s physical handling of protesters at a weekend rally could add to the president’s legal woes, with one attendee considering a fresh lawsuit as protesters already suing over violence at rallies last year plan to cite the recent events as proof of an ongoing pattern.
Members of a group called Bikers for Trump accosted multiple people at a Saturday night rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, sometimes using their bodies to push or physically detain them until police arrived, after Trump yelled ‘get him out of here’ at one protester waving a Russian flag.
The skirmishes underscored the unique challenges surrounding a president who continues holding campaign-style rallies nearly six months after his election, eliciting equally charged fervor among his supporters and critics — and who hasn’t disavowed the violence that characterized much of his campaign.”

-Kenneth P. Vogel and Ben Schreckinger, “Trump rally altercations could add to legal woes,” Politico, May 2, 2017 5:06am