
FOREIGN POLICY/NATIONAL SECURITY/NORTH KOREA/NUCLEAR/STATE/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT/TRUMP PEOPLE/REX TILLERSON: “Secretary of State Rex Tillerson signaled on Friday [4-28-17] that the Trump administration may have finally accepted the one course of action that could stop North Korea’s nuclear threat to the world: direct talks.
After months of US military posturing and shows of force met by North Korean nuclear threats, Tillerson said in an interview with NPR that direct talks with the Kim regime “would be the way we would like to solve this.”
This is a bit of a reversal from Vice President Mike Pence’s statement just over a week ago that the US would not consider talks with the North Koreans.
However, the US’s and China’s shared goal of denuclearizing North Korea may be dead on arrival.”

-Alex Locke, “The Trump administration just signaled it may take the only action that could actually stop North Korea,” Business Insider, April 28, 2017 9:09am