
FOREIGN POLICY/MILITARY/NORTH KOREA/SOUTH KOREA/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “The U.S. military started moving parts of an anti-missile defense system to a deployment site in South Korea on Wednesday [4-26-17], triggering protests from villagers and criticism from China, amid tension over North Korea’s weapons development.
The earlier-than-expected steps to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system was also denounced by the frontrunner in South Korea’s presidential election on May 9.
South Korea’s defense ministry said elements of THAAD were moved to the deployment site, on what had been a golf course, about 250 km (155 miles) south of the capital, Seoul.
‘South Korea and the United States have been working to secure an early operational capability of the THAAD system in response to North Korea’s advancing nuclear and missile threat,’ the ministry said in a statement.
The battery was expected to be operational by the end of the year, it said.”

-Ju-min Park and Jack Kim, “U.S. moves THAAD anti-missile to South Korean site, sparking protests,” Reuters, April 26, 2017 10:38am