
POLITICS/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “President Donald Trump has weighed in ahead of Tuesday’s [4-18-17] surprisingly close special election in Georgia, a race seen by many as an early referendum on his presidential performance thus far.
‘The super Liberal Democrat in the Georgia Congressioal (sic) race tomorrow wants to protect criminals, allow illegal immigration and raise taxes!’ Trump tweeted Monday morning, part of an active social-media morning for the president that also included digs against the media and his predecessor, former President Barack Obama.
Tuesday’s race in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District pits Democrat Jon Ossoff, a relatively unknown even in local politics at the start of his campaign, against a field of Republicans that are likely to split the GOP vote in the typically red district. The seat has been vacant since its last occupant, Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price, stepped down to join the Trump administration.
The race has garnered attention, not just because Ossoff has proven a credible threat to Republican dominance in the district, but because of the millions of dollars that have poured in to his campaign from outside groups in an effort to hand Republicans an embarrassing defeat.”

-Louis Nelson, “Trump slams Democratic candidate in Georgia’s special election,” Politico, April 17, 2017 10:18am