
FOREIGN POLICY/LEGAL/TRUMP AS PRESIDENT: “Days before Japanese leader Shinzo Abe dined with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago, restaurant inspectors slapped the resort with 13 violations — including raw fish used in sushi, one of Japan’s signature dishes.
Florida restaurant inspectors also found beef, duck, chicken and ham stored at unsafe temperatures higher than the law requires, the Miami Herald reported.
Of the 13 total violations — a record for the resort, which charges a $200,000 initiation fee — three were considered ‘high priority,’ which means they potentially contained enough bacteria to make unsuspecting diners sick.
During the Jan. 26 surprise inspection, inspectors found that staffers were using two broken-down coolers, resulting in raw meat and fish being stored at temperatures higher than the mandated 41 degrees.”

-Bob Fredricks, “Japanese prime minister lucky he didn’t get sick eating at Mar-a-Lago,” The New York Post online, April 13, 2017 11:41am