MEDIA: “I continue to alienate members of the press on occasion, but on the whole, I like them.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
MEDIA: “I continue to alienate members of the press on occasion, but on the whole, I like them.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
– “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004, Donald Trump and Meredith McIver,, 10/12/2004
DONALD ON DONALD: “I like (and dislike) all sorts of people—winners, losers, and those in the middle!”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
DONALDISM: “You never want people to think you’re a loser or a schlepper, but it’s not a good idea if they think you’re the smartest guy in the room, either.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
DONALDISM: “It’s essential that you keep your mind open and alert.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
DONALD ON DONALD: “The day I realized it can be smart to be shallow was, for me, a deep experience.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
DONALDISM: “If you can avoid an altercation, do so.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
DONALD ON DONALD: “Believe it or not, I’m a romantic guy.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: Think Like a Billionaire,” Oct. 12, 2004
TRUMP FAMILY: “Every guy in the country wants to go out with my daughter.”
– Donald Trump, New York Magazine, Dec. 13, 2004
TRUMP FAMILY: “The hardest thing for me about raising kids has been finding the time. I know friends who leave their business so they can spend more time with their children, and I say, ‘Gimme a break!’”
– Donald Trump, New York Magazine, Dec. 13, 2004
DONALD ON DONALD/TRUMP BUSINESS: “ … I’m married to my business. It’s been a marriage of love. So, for a woman, frankly, it’s not easy in terms of relationships. But there are a lot of assets.”
– Donald Trump, New York Magazine, Dec. 13, 2004
WOMEN: “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me— consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: How to Get Rich,” Dec. 28, 2004
DONALD ON DONALD: “If you don’t tell people about your success, they probably won’t know about it.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump: How to Get Rich,” Dec. 28, 2004
– “Trump: How to Get Rich,” Dec. 28, 2004, Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, 12/28/2004
TRUMP FAMILY/MELANIA: Married Melania Knauss on January 22, 2005.
– IMDB, IMDB.com, Jan. 22, 2005
– Gwenda Blair, “Donald Trump: Master Apprentice,” March 1, 2005
MEDIA: “If I get my name in the paper, if people pay attention, that’s what matters.”
– Gwenda Blair, “Donald Trump: Master Apprentice,” March 1, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “I want a very good-looking guy to play me.”
– Gwenda Blair, “Donald Trump: Master Apprentice,” March 1, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “A lot of people sit down and discuss their lives, things like are they happy, but it’s not like that with me. I don’t think positively, I don’t think negatively, I just think about the goal. But it’s not like I sit down and write goals. I just do things.”
– Gwenda Blair, “Donald Trump: Master Apprentice,” March 1, 2005
BUSINESS/DONALD ON DONALD: “A lot of people build a brand and they study it very carefully and every move is calculated. My moves are not calculated. My moves are totally uncalculated.”
– Gwenda Blair, “Donald Trump: Master Apprentice,” March 1, 2005
FOREIGN POLICY/JAPAN: “I’ll shake hands. I shake hands with people. But it’s not something I like — look, I’m not a huge fan of Japan, but I love their custom.”
– Donald Trump, “Larry King Live,” May 17, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “(The press) used to think that I was really this horrible, flame-throwing, terrible tyrant. Right? Now I go on a television show, where basically what I do is I fire people, and everyone thinks I’m such a nice guy. Which tells you what a bad image I had.”
– Donald Trump, “Larry King Live,”May 17, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “Usually if I fire somebody who’s bad, I’ll tell them how great they are. Because I don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.”
– Donald Trump, “Larry King Live,” May 17, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “At Trump Tower, I know everybody that goes up, and everybody that comes down.”
– Donald Trump, “Larry King Live,” May 17, 2005
TRUMP FAMILY/MELANIA: “We literally have never had an argument; forget about the word ‘fight.’ We never even had an argument.” — on his wife Melania.
– Donald Trump, “Larry King Live,” May 17, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “Some people cast shadows, and other people choose to live in those shadows.”
– Donald Trump, New York Times, Sept. 11, 2005
WOMEN: “She’s really cute, I have to tell you, she’s really bouncy, really cute, She’s about 5-foot-1. Do you like girls that are 5-foot-1? They come up to you know where.” — Trump on Eva Longoria. [The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]
– Donald Trump, “The Howard Stern Show,” Sept. 2005
WOMEN: “A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10” [The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]
– Donald Trump, “The Howard Stern Show,” Sept. 2005
WOMEN: “The boob job is terrible. They look like two lightbulbs coming out of her body.” — on Carmen Electra. [The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]
– Donald Trump, “The Howard Stern Show,” Sept. 2005
WOMEN: “Would you go out with Marcia Cross or would you turn gay, Howard?” [The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]
– Donald Trump, “The Howard Stern Show,” Sept. 2005
TRUMP FAMILY: “I mean, I won’t do anything to take care of them. I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park. Well, Marla used to say, ‘I can’t believe you’re not walking Tiffany down the street,’ you know, in a carriage. Right, I’m gonna be walking down Fifth Avenue with a baby in a carriage. It just didn’t work.” — on taking care of kids. [The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]
– Donald Trump, “The Howard Stern Show,” Sept. 2005
– David A. Fahrenthold, “Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005,” TheWashingtonPost.com, Oct. 8, 2016
– Timothy L. O’Brien, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “There’s something very seductive about being a television star.”
– Timothy L. O’Brien, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
TRUMP BUSINESS: “I think the brand is huge. What is it about me that gets Larry King his highest ratings?”
– Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD: “If you don’t win you can’t get away with it. And I win, I win, I always win. In the end, I always win, whether it’s in golf, whether it’s in tennis, whether it’s in life, I just always win. And I tell people I always win, because I do.”
– Timothy L. O’Brien, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
WOMEN: “My favorite part (of Pulp Fiction) is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. Tell that bitch to be cool. Say: Bitch be cool. I love those lines.”
– Timothy L. O’Brien, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
TRUMP FAMILY: “ … when you’re rich, you can have as many kids as you want. Being rich makes it easier to have kids.”
– Donald Trump and Tony Schwartz, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
DONALD ON DONALD/MARRIAGE/TRUMP FAMILY:[And Marla, wife No. 2?] “I [Trump] was bored when she was walking down the aisle. I kept thinking: What the hell am I doing here? I was so deep into my business stuff. I couldn’t think of anything else.” [The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]
– Timothy L. O’Brien, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
WOMEN: “It’s all in the hunt and once you get it, it loses some of its energy. I think competitive, successful men feel that way about women. Don’t you agree? Really, don’t you agree?”
– Timothy L. O’Brien, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
WOMEN: “Nobody cares about the talent [in beauty pageants]. There’s only one talent you care about, and that’s the look talent. You don’t give a shit if a girl can play a violin like the greatest violinist in the world. You want to know what does she look like.”
– Timothy L. O’Brien, “TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald,” Oct. 26, 2005
ATTORNEY GENERAL/CABINET/TRUMP PEOPLE/JEFF SESSIONS: “Mr. Sessions strongly supports the USA Patriot Act, which he said provided necessary, common-sense powers for fighting terrorism. He defended President George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping and opposed changing surveillance laws after Edward J. Snowden’s revelations. [In his Senate Speech on 12-15-05, Senator Sessions said] ‘The provisions in the Patriot Act are in no way extreme, in no way novel, in no way contradictory to the principles of the constitutional law this country has operated under since its founding.’ ”
– Matt Apuzzo, “Jeff Sessions, in His Own Words,” New York Times, Jan 8, 2017
DONALDISM/MARRIAGE: “If two people dig each other, they dig each other.”
– Donald Trump, “Trump Blog,” Trump University.com, Dec. 22, 2005
TRUMP FAMILY/IVANKA: “She does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
– Donald Trump, “The View,” March 6, 2006
ATTORNEY GENERAL/CABINET/TRUMP PEOPLE/JEFF SESSIONS: “Mr. Sessions supported a constitutional amendment that would have banned burning the American flag. [In Senator Sessions stated in his 6-27-06 Senate Speech] ‘Some would say: Well, you want to limit free speech when you want to stop burning the flag. Now, it is true that the Supreme Court, by a 5-to-4 majority, held that the act of burning a flag is free speech. Well, I don’t agree.’ ”
– Matt Apuzzo, “Jeff Sessions, in His Own Words,” New York Times, Jan 8, 2017
CELEBS: “Angelina Jolie is sort of amazing because everyone thinks she’s like this great beauty. And I’m not saying she’s an unattractive woman, but she’s not a beauty, by any stretch of the imagination. I really understand beauty.”
– Donald Trump, Transcript, CNN.com, Oct 9, 2006
CELEBS/WOMEN: “[Angelina Jolie]’s been with so many guys she makes me look like a baby, OK, with the other side. And, I just don’t even find her attractive.”
– Donald Trump, “Larry King Live,” Oct. 9, 2006
DONALD ON DONALD/TRUMP FAMILY/MELANIA: “I don’t [change diapers]. It’s not my thing. You know what, I’m a good father but that’s not my thing and Melania’s going to be a great mother. To a large extent it’s up to the women. There are a lot of women out there who, you know, demand the husband act like the wife and there are a lot of husbands who listen to that.” [The 15th used for date-sorting purposes only.]
– Donald Trump, “Opie and Anthony,” Nov. 2006
CELEBS/ROSIE ODONNELL: “Rosie O’Donnell’s disgusting. I mean, both inside and out. You take a look at her, she’s a slob … ” Mentioned Trump.
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “Entertainment Tonight,” Dec. 21, 2006
CELEBS/ROSIE ODONNELL: “She called me a snake oil salesman, and, you know, coming from Rosie, that’s pretty low, because when you look at her, and when you see the mind, the mind is—is weak. I don’t see it. I don’t get it. I never understood. How does she even get on television?”
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “Entertainment Tonight,” Dec. 21, 2006
CELEBS/ROSIE ODONNELL: “Rosie’s a person that’s very lucky to have her girlfriend. And she better be careful or I’ll send one of my friends over to pick up her girlfriend. Why would she stay with Rosie if she had another choice?”
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “Entertainment Tonight,” Dec. 21, 2006
CELEBS/ROSIE ODONNELL: “Probably I’ll sue her [Rosie]. Because it would be fun. I’d like to take some money out of her fat-ass pockets.” Stated Trump.
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “Entertainment Tonight,” Dec. 21, 2006
TRUMP BUSINESS: “My brand became more famous as I became more famous, and more opportunities presented themselves.”
– Donald Trump, Amazon.com, 2007
HILLARY: “She [Hillary] has a husband that I also like very much.”
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “The Situation,” CNN.com, Sept. 24, 2007
DONALD ON DONALD: “My motto is ‘Hire the best people, and don’t trust them.”
[NOTE: On 10-10-90 He said “I surround myself with good people, and then I give myself the luxury of trusting them.”]
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007,
DONALD ON DONALD: “You can’t just sit around waiting for deals, opportunities, or a lucky break.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM: “Do not look for approval from others. That is a sure sign of weakness.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM: “You hear lots of people say that a great deal is when both sides win. That is a bunch of crap.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
TRUMP FAMILY: “I learned from my father that work can make you happy.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007,
DONALDISM: “Dress the part and act the part. Do not cause any doubt in anybody’s mind that you don’t know your stuff. When I moved to Manhattan to do my first deal, I did not have money or employees. When I went into an office, I acted as if I had an organization, The Trump Organization, behind me. I was on my own and no longer working for my father. Few people knew that The Trump Organization had no employees except myself and operated out of my studio apartment in Manhattan.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM/JIMMY CATER/POLITICS/RONALD REAGAN: “Jimmy Carter … . He is a very nice man, but he wasn’t my kind of president. I was more into the Ronald Reagans of the world. Nevertheless, after President Carter’s term as President was up, he asked to meet me and of course I agreed. I didn’t know what he wanted in that I had never supported him and was actually very vocal on how poorly he handled our captives in Iran. … Nevertheless, we had a wonderful conversation prior to getting to his point, which was, would I consider making a $50 million contribution to the Jimmy Carter Library? Here was a man that I had not supported, had not voted for, and yet he was in my office asking for a $50 million contribution! I said to myself, and I told the story many times, that Jimmy Carter, despite his image to the contrary, had an ability to think big. That’s why he ran for President and others did not.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALD ON DONALD: “In truth I am dazzled as much by my own creations as are the tourists and glamour hounds that flock to Trump Tower.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALD ON DONALD: “If I were satisfied, I would not be Donald Trump.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM: “Stop the indecisive internal dialogue before it starts. That is your biggest enemy.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM: “Define yourself in a big way. We all have self-definitions; give yourself a big definition.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM: “The worst hell you will ever face is the hell you create with your own mind.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM: “Expect the best from people.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM: “The world is a vicious and brutal place. We think we’re civilized. In truth, it’s a cruel world and people are ruthless. They act nice to your face, but underneath they’re out to kill you. … Even your friends are out to get you: they want your job, they want your house, they want your money, they want your wife, and they even want your dog. Those are your friends; your enemies are even worse!”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
DONALDISM/MARRIAGE: “You marry for love, but your signature on the marriage certificate is all about rights, duties, and property. It’s a legally binding contract that knows nothing of love.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “CNN Official Interview,” CNN.com, Feb. 9, 2011
DONALD ON DONALD/MARRIAGE: “What the hell do I know, I’ve been divorced twice?”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
MEDIA/WOMEN: “Geraldo Rivera is a friend of mine, but he did something which I thought was absolutely terrible and he admits it was a mistake. He wrote a book naming many of the famous women that he slept with. I would never do that—I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did, the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married—I’ve had them all, secretly, the world’s biggest names, but unlike Geraldo I don’t talk about it.”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
WOMEN: “Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, ‘Can you believe what I am getting?’”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
WOMEN: “Oftentimes when I was sleeping with one of the top women in the world I would say to myself, thinking about me as a boy from Queens, ‘Can you believe what I am getting?’”
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2007
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success,” Jan. 18, 2008
ATTORNEY GENERAL/CABINET/TRUMP PEOPLE/JEFF SESSIONS: “Like President-elect Trump, Mr. Sessions has defended waterboarding as a useful interrogation tactic, even in the face of a Senate investigation that declared otherwise. [Senator Sessions’ statement in is 2-8-08 Senate Speech] ‘It worked. I hate to say, it worked.’ ”
– Matt Apuzzo, “Jeff Sessions, in His Own Words,” New York Times, Jan 8, 2017
HILLARY: “I know Hillary and I think she’d make a great president …”
– Donald Trump, Trump Blog, Trump University, March 13, 2008
KEYSTONE/OIL/PIPELINES: “TransCanada applies to extend its exhisting Keystone pipeline, beginning a long process at the state and federal levels. The new section would be dubbed the Keystone XL.”
– Justin Worland, “A Tale of Two Pipelines,” Time Magazine, Feb. 2, 2017
– MarketWatch.com, “Historical quote for: DIJA,” marketwatch.com, accessed Jan 17, 2017,
– Donald Trump, “Think Big: Make it Happen in Business and Life,” Nov. 13, 2008
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education in Business and Life,” April 14, 2009
DONALD ON DONALD: “I see no value whatsoever in believing ignorance to be an attribute.”
– Donald Trump and Meredith McIver, “Think Like a Champion: An Informal Education in Business and Life,” April 14, 2009
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “Larry King Live,” CNN.com, April 15, 2009
OBAMA: “Oh, yes, he’s a champion. I mean, he won against all odds. If you would have looked—when he first announced, people were giving him initially no chance. And he’s just done something that’s amazing. He’s totally a champion.”
– Donald Trump, Transcript, “Larry King Live,” CNN.com, April 15, 2009
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, May 12, 2009
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, May 12, 2009
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, May 17, 2009 11:00am
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, May 21, 2009 10:59pm
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, June 5, 2009 02:21pm
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, June 15, 2009 7:13pm
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, June 21, 2009 10:47am
HEALTHCARE/JOE BIDEN/OBAMACARE (ACA)/PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS: “Vice President Biden and members of the Middle Class Task Force just concluded a health care reform discussion in Alexandria, Virginia…
Health care reform will lower costs for 50-64 year old Americans by providing assistance to employer health plans to encourage them to cover recent retirees and by giving individuals access to an insurance exchange where participants will be able to compare prices of health plans – including a public plan – and decide which option is right for them… And in order to market a plan in the Exchange, insurance companies will have to comply with its rules: no denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions; no discrimination based on age; and fair prices, for good benefits…
Everyone will have the security of knowing that if they lose their job, or if someone in their family develops a chronic disease or has a pre-existing condition, they will be able to find affordable health care for their families in the exchange.”
-Terrell McSweeny, “More Stable and Secure Health Care For Seniors,” obamawhitehouse.archives.gov, July 16, 2009
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Oct. 27, 2009 11:31am
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, Jan. 21, 2010 12:58pm
– Donald Trump, Twitter.com, Trumptwitterarchive.com, March 17, 2010 11:14am